About me

I am a first-year student at MS in Financial Engineering at Columbia University. I am interested in unraveling the mystery of the financial market and developing solutions with reproducibility and interpretability. I have had multiple internship experiences at different companies and gained substantial experience in quantitative research and wealth management, especilly the stock selection strategy.

Some intersting things to do: watch Lana Del Rey’s concert, Lorde’s concert (better without the thrid album), fly on an Airbus A340, take every metro line in Shanghai and Beijing, read love in the time of cholera, and most importantly, spend every single day with sincerity and enthusiasm.

About the website

“I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.” This note by Fermat regarding his Last Theorem echoed through centuries, captivating geniuses like Taniyama and Shimura, and was ultimately concluded by Wiles.

I do not intend to equate myself with genius mathematicians, but I have always been seeking the right place where I can freely express my understanding of the financial markets. This website is just such a place. Here you can see how I construct the stock selection strategies from scratch and how to validate, finetune the strategies and how to execute them, and much more beyond that!